The Special Needs Family Hour Presents: Autism Shifts & the Artistas Café!

Autism Shifts and the Artistas Café

Join us this Sunday afternoon on the Special Needs Family Hour at 1:00 pm!
This week’s show will feature Vicky Westra the founder of Autism Shifts and the Artistas Café. Two organizations that have come together to provide training and employment to individuals with autism.

Pictured: Julie Ames, SNFH, and Vicky Westra, Artistas Cafe

We discuss the following: the biggest factors in changing the outcome for individuals with Autism; what people don’t typically understand about Autism; and key things parents should do to support their child with autism.

Lighting the Path for Employment for Autism. 

The vision of Shifting the outcome for those diagnosed with Autism.

Coming Soon!

Will be released in November 2018. 100% of the proceeds benefits Autism Shifts. Click on the icon below:

Discover the Light Within was written and illustrated by Vicky Westra and Laurie Stemm to inspire and uplift the Autism community they serve through their programs.  This book contains a variety of tools and processes that help readers connect to who they really are and create the life they want!  When we live our authentic life, we can experience life in “The Green Zone” filled with emotions such as passion, positive expectations, excitement and joy!

Although this book was created specifically for those touched by Autism, it can help anyone interested in discovering these things in their own lives. 

discover the light with bookmark.jpg

Artistas Café Training and Employment Program

Artistas Café Training and Employment Program

Julie Ames with Vicky Westra

Julie Ames with Vicky Westra

Original air date: July 5, 2015

Vicky Westra of Artistas Café discusses Artistas Café’s Training & Employment Program, and the upcoming Artistas Development Center for individuals with disabilities.

Flyer (PDF): Artistas Development Center