The Special Needs Family Hour Logo is a sun dial with the following symbols:
The Cross (father) represents Faith.
Parents with special needs children need to have faith. They need to understand that their special needs child is a gift that has been entrusted to them by God. They are not being punished. Without faith one will become bitter and feel cursed.
The Anchor (mother) represents Hope.
Parents experience many challenging days raising a special needs child. Sometimes it feels like Ground Hog Day every day. Improvement especially with challenging behaviors can be infinitesimal. There are many trying days. One has to have hope for a better future.
The Heart represents Charity.
One has to look outside themselves and their situation. If not it leads to bitterness and despair. The parent of a special needs child has to reach out to others. Write an award recommendation for a teacher; give another parent a referral; thank others for their help; etc.
The Puzzle (child) represents a special needs child with autism.
The show is not just for families with autistic children. The show is here to help all families struggling to help their special child.
Special Needs Family Hour is a registered trademark.