The Special Needs Family Hour Presents: The Portico Chorus!

The Portico Chorus

Join us this Sunday afternoon on the Special Needs Family Hour at 1:00 pm!

Today’s show will feature The Portico Chorus.

The Portico Chorus is an all-volunteer music ministry with members of various faiths, ages and cognitive, physical, and musical abilities. While God has given each member different and special gifts and abilities, they all share the same commitment to making god’s love real through the presentation of inspiring interactive musical performances throughout our community.

The Portico Chorus’s Mission:
To make God’s love real to the Tampa Bay special needs adult community through music and social events.

The Special Needs Family Hour Presents: Rotary Camp Florida!

Rotary Camp Florida

Join us this Sunday afternoon on the Special Needs Family Hour at 1:00 pm!

This week’s show will feature Rotary Camp Florida, a camping facility for
children and adults with disabilities!  

Pictured left to right: Mike Edenfield, Rotary Camp Florida Board, Liz
, Rotary Camp Florida Executive Director, Julie Ames, SNFH

Rotary’s Camp Florida, Inc. is unique by offering special needs user groups the ability to rent our entire 21-acre facility, allowing them to tailor each of their camps to suit the specific needs of the children and adults they serve. Camp fees for special needs children and adults are sponsored by their groups and the Camp’s Memory Maker Scholarship Fund. 

Each camping group is required to provide its own camp counselors, doctors, nurses, lifeguards, and cooks. Each group is responsible for supplying meals and has the use of our fully equipped commercial kitchen and state-of-the-art gas barbecue grill.

Hart’s Travel Trainer Program for those with special needs who take the bus

Hart’s Travel Trainer Program for those with Special Needs who Take the Bus

Our guest this week is Mark Sheppard with Hart’s Public Transit Service. Join us as we discuss the Hart’s Travel Trainer Program for those with special needs who need to learn how to take the bus.

Pictured left to right: Mark Sheppard and Julie Ames, SNFH

Pictured left to right: Mark Sheppard and Julie Ames, SNFH

Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) Travel Training Program: A FREE program, riding with a HART team member and receive step-by-step instructions on using the transit guide, reading a passenger schedule and riding the bus. Available in both English and Spanish. Call HART Travel Training Coordinator at 813-384-6307 or email: Disabled persons are eligible, provided their disability does not require special assistance or specifically trained personnel.

Visit HART on Facebook

Julie Ames on Raising Children with Special Needs

Jose Cruz, On-Air Studio Engineer and Julie Ames, SNFH

Jose Cruz, On-Air Studio Engineer and Julie Ames, SNFH

Julie Ames shares tips for raising special needs children. She covers many topics including: sleeping through the night, diapers, dealing with slow physical progress, eating challenges, clothing, shopping, doctor appointments, allowance / responsibility and discipline.


Welcome to Special Needs Family Hour

The Special Needs Family Hour Logo is a sun dial with the following symbols:

The Cross (father) represents Faith.

Parents with special needs children need to have faith. They need to understand that their special needs child is a gift that has been entrusted to them by God. They are not being punished. Without faith one will become bitter and feel cursed.

The Anchor (mother) represents Hope.

Parents experience many challenging days raising a special needs child. Sometimes it feels like Ground Hog Day every day. Improvement especially with challenging behaviors can be infinitesimal. There are many trying days. One has to have hope for a better future.

The Heart represents Charity.

One has to look outside themselves and their situation. If not it leads to bitterness and despair. The parent of a special needs child has to reach out to others. Write an award recommendation for a teacher; give another parent a referral; thank others for their help; etc.

The Puzzle (child) represents a special needs child with autism.

The show is not just for families with autistic children. The show is here to help all families struggling to help their special child.

Special Needs Family Hour is a registered trademark.