Michele Houston Hicks, author of Princess Pie!

Michele Houston Hicks, author of Princess Pie

Michele Houston and Julie Ames, SNFH

Michele Houston and Julie Ames, SNFH

Our guest is Michele Houston Hicks, the author of Princess Pie. Princess Pie is about her precious granddaughter, Aniya, who was born at 1 lb, 8 oz and 12” long. Aniya has endured great physical challenges such as severe Cerebral Palsy, vision impairment, and various surgeries.

Michele’s message of Holiday Hope is to let you know that all children bring out the best in us. And in her words “They teach us compassion, understanding and patience where it may be lacking. They produce an inner strength in all of us where we thought we had none. They give us unconditional love and instill in us to love the same. They are just normal kids that just need extra special care.”

Princess Pie : The first book of the series which illustrates the lives of two little girls born prematurely and the adventures they share growing up together.  Their stories will bring joy, laughter and encouragement as life’s adventures of the main character Princess Pie and her trusted devoted sidekick Szeja who refers to Princess Pie as her “best friend cousin”.  The tales are narrated through colorful, educational, heartfelt and funny stories. Like Princess Pie on Facebook.