“Finding Matthew” with Author Donna Kirk: A Story of Hope and Encouragement

Our guest this week is Donna Kirk. She is the author of the book “Finding Mathew”. It is a story about “the sorrows, struggles, and challenges, as well as the amazing presence of love and joy – that come with being the parent of a child with disabilities.

Donna’s son Matthew was born brain-damaged as a result of oxygen deprivation. At the time (1970) Donna and her husband were advised by doctors to put Matthew in an institution, have another baby as soon as possible, and get on with their life. Needless to say Donna and her husband did not take that advice! “Finding Matthew” tells the story of Matthew’s life from birth to age 40.

Donna Kirk Pictured Left: Donna Kirk

DonnaKirk.com: Donna Kirk’s blog is all about what happened in between Matthew’s devastating diagnosis and his successful life as a respected, contributing member
of society.

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