Social Security Benefits for 18-24 Years Old

Join us Sunday afternoon as we discuss Social Security Benefits for those eighteen to twenty-four years old with Liz Montefu, the President and Founder of Montefu Consulting.  

Liz has been guiding individuals through the rough waters of Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income claims for over 30 years. She is experienced in benefit coordination and can help – whether you are filing for benefits for the first time or you are preparing to go before an Administrative Law Judge at a hearing.

Visit Montefu Consulting at to learn more about Social Security, Social Security Disability Income Benefits, Survivor Benefits, Children’s SSI, and Women’s Benefits.

Montefu Consulting Education Seminars

  • Montefu Consulting is happy to provide for you and your associates at no charge, an overview presentation regarding SSI/SSD. Participants will get an overview of the various Social Security benefits available to individuals, learn who is eligible for various benefits, and how to access those benefits.
  • If you or your organization would be interested in a lunch & learn workshop at no charge, contact Montefu Consulting.

For Your Free Consultation Contact:

Montefu Consulting, Inc.
Phone: 813.495.8787 | Fax: 480.393.5084 

“Your beacon of light for Social Security disability claims.”

Pictured:  Liz Montefu, Montefu Consulting